Workshop syllabus and materials

Workshop syllabus for GLAT education has been prepared by the project members. Partners agreed on the structure of the workshops and shared responsibilities for certain topics depending on the competences and expertise they have. The syllabus combines f2f and online strategies and teaching methods according to the blended model of e-learning. Tasks for participants with special focus on the development of the learning scenarios in a digital form have been planned. 

Developed Workshop Syllabus includes information about the education designed during the project GLAT,  shedules for all three workshops together with descriptions of workshop sessions as well as documents (templates) that are added as annexes. The extended version, Workshop Syllabus and Materials, includes also handouts of presentations that are used for lectures.

The syllabus with learning materials is published under the CC BY-SA license.


Workshop Syllabus


Workshop Syllabus and Materials

Silabus i materijali

Guide for Teachers

Vodič za nastavnike

learning materials

All learning materials for GLAT education are available within Moodle e-course “Games for Learning Algorithmic Thinking” in the MoD learning system ( After enrolling in the e-course, it is possible to access the materials in Croatian and English.

Previously, you need to log into the system MoD with an AAI@EduHr account. If you would like to access the e-course but you don’t have AAI@EduHr account, please contact us at

Backup of the e-course (English or Croatian version) is also available on request to be restored on your own Moodle server. Please, contact us at

FIRST VERSION OF sYLLABUS, Workshops schedules and lesson plans

Syllabus Workshop Syllabus

WS1: Game based learning and unplugged activities

Syllabus Workshop schedule

Syllabus Session 2

Syllabus Session 3

Syllabus Session 4

Syllabus Session 5

Syllabus Session 6

WS2: PBL, online quizzes and logical tasks

Syllabus Workshop schedule

Syllabus Session 1

Syllabus Session 2

Syllabus Session 3

Syllabus Session 4

WS3: Games and tools for programming

Syllabus Workshop schedule

Syllabus Session 1

Syllabus Session 2

Syllabus Session 3

Syllabus Session 4