Participation at the International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018)

The members of the UKIM team have presented two papers within the scope of the GLAT project at the 11th annual International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018), held in Seville (Spain)  12-14th November 2018.

First paper “Using Scottie Go! as Game Based Learning Tool for Computational Thinking Course” elaborates how to use game based learning combined with flipped classroom and collaborative team work in order to utilize students’ energy and enthusiasm they have when playing games, in achieving educational goals.

Syllabus Using Scottie Go! as Game Based Learning Tool for Computational Thinking Course

Second paper “Serious Games Evaluation Methodology” describes simple methodological tool for evaluation of educational games, together with the use cases and results of the survey on its usage.

Syllabus Serious Games Evaluation Methodology